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Inner Game

Who's Plan Are You Really Working?

plan aheadStop right here.

Don’t read any further until you ask yourself this question…

Are you in charge of your own destiny?

Be honest with yourself. Who’s really planning your life? Is it you and only you?

If you want to know what I think (and here’s hoping you want to know what I think), I say the answer, quite frankly, is “no.”

Chances are more likely that you’re influenced by the people, places and things in your world. And that’s okay. It’s normal and quite common, in fact. But don’t YOU want to be in charge of your life? Shouldn’t YOU have the final say in what you do and how you do it?

The simple truth is this…

If you don’t have your own plan, you’re following someone else’s.

“If you don't know where you are going, you'll end up someplace else.” 
                                                                                                              ~ Yogi Berra

Research Shows, Goals are Pretty Groovy

Hey guys, JP Moses here, and although I’m not one to typically bust out statistics and research findings, this one is worth sharing…

So the question is whether or not goals truly impact future success. Let’s see, shall we?

In 1953, 400 Yale students were asked to write down their lifelong goals. Surprisingly (or maybe not), only 12 of those students were able to do so. Now jump to the psychedelic year of 1973 when researchers connected with those same 400 students and asked them to record their current financial statuses.

You know where this is going...

The results revealed that 3% of the students who wrote down their goals 20 years prior were significantly more financially successful than the other 97% of the students combined. (BAM!) Researchers also discovered that the financially sound 3% were more satisfied with their lives and were enjoying a higher quality of life in terms of relationships, health and careers.

goalsVisualize Your Real-Life Road Map

What we’ve learned here from our Yale peeps is that when we set goals, we act on them. Setting goals develops purpose and meaning and keeps us moving forward with focus and determination. With goals, we can do great things in a small amount of time. Without goals, we chase our tails. It’s that simple.

“Goals are the fuel in the furnace of achievement.”
Brian Tracy, Eat that Frog

So what are you going to do now? Wish and dream? Hope and pray for change?


My guess is you’re going to start planning. You’re going to set achievable, measurable goals for yourself, and you’re going to start now, today.

And, I want you to kick it up a notch. I want you to create a vision for your business and your life. Goals are great, but think larger than life. Go big or go home, right? Visions are powerful, and they can help you map out your own route. They will take you on the journey you choose, and they will keep you moving in the right direction.

And that direction should be determined by you and you alone. Stop letting others lead you around by the nose. Let go of the leash and create your own goals. Then visualize them and take steps every day to achieve them. You’ll get there.

What’s Up, Friends

Do you have any goal-setting tips? Share in the comments section below.


Do It To It! Immediate Action Steps

Create your own destiny.

Set attainable, measureable goals for yourself.

Visualize those goals to create your own life’s road map.

Don’t let others dictate your path.

Take action, now, today… and every day!

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