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You Can’t Steal in Slow Motion!

Want our secret lead generation strategy that even the "GURUS" don't know about? Get our specific proven advice that will work in YOUR market today!

(NOTE: Want the absolute EASIEST way to find houses at 50% off their value? Learn more with our latest this special report.)

dollarSo, I'm writing today’s lesson because I made a really stupid mistake last week.

Basically, I screwed up an amazing deal...

...and lost out on an $8k payday. 

Why am I sharing this story with you, you ask?

Because hopefully you'll learn from my stupid mistake and never ever do what I did last week.

So here's what happened...

The Woeful Ballad of Steph Davis

I got a call from a seller who owned her property free and clear (yay!) and needed to sell ASAP (double yay!).

She was asking $65k for the house, but I knew I needed to get it under contract in the low- to mid-$40's if I wanted to make a nice wholesale fee.

hopefulSince this seller seemed pretty motivated on the phone (triple yay!),…

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