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Investing Strategies

5 Lessons From a Wholesale Triple Play (That Got Me $15K in 12 Days)

Triple PlayHi there, Moguls.

Apparently, you guys can’t seem to get enough of Mogul expert, Cody Sperber. We’ve had numerous requests to hear more from him. And we totally get that, Cody’s awesome!

So today, Cody is going to share with you his own personal story of how he made $15,000 in only 12 days. Now pay attention, because even if you aren’t new to investing, you will learn something valuable from this story.

Most of you are familiar with our Mogul celeb, but if you aren’t, check out Cody’s training call and other terrific lessons.

Now then, let’s hear from the great and powerful Cody himself…

What Had Happened Was…

Hi, guys, Cody here, thanks for having me. I have a personal story I want to share that I think will teach you some valuable lessons. So…

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