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Why MOLD Is Not a 4-Letter Word

moldSo what is the big deal with mold? 

It’s something that has been around as long as man, yet in recent years, it has really become an issue within the real estate industry. It has caused many investors to shy away from properties that have mold…

But if you are smart, you will have embraced it rather than run from it.

Steve Cook here with a lesson about making money from mold.

Money in mold

First, let’s get a better understanding of what mold really is. 

The purpose of mold is to break down dead materials such as plants, leaves, animal feces, etc…

Not all molds are harmful, but some are. Mold can be found indoors and outdoors. It travels through the air that we breathe in the form of spores. When mold settles on an area that it can grow, it often grows in patches known as colonies. 

I can assure you that every single home you will buy and the home that you are currently living in has some mold in it.

Our concern is obviously…

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