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Inner Game

Don't Wait - Live Like You're Retired Now

retiredLive like you are already retired!

This phrase continues to ring through my mind since we discussed this concept at one of our Lifeonaire events.

One thing that was clear at the event is that just about everyone wants to retire. While I do think that retirement has a number of different meanings… when you explore the big “why” behind the reason for this desire, it all boils down to freedom.

Hey Moguls, Shaun McCloskey here, and most everyone I know and coach has this strong desire to be free to experience life – and when people think about retiring, what they really want is relief from the life that they’ve created… a life that has robbed them of the freedom to experience the life they desire.

Are you being robbed?

I don’t want to paint a bleak picture of the life that most experience – we all have much to be thankful for – but we must acknowledge that our thoughts and dreams of something so much more than what we have borders…

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