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Inner Game

Why Getting Comfortable in Your Business Is a Death Sentence

Growing up I always thought it was good to be comfortable. I like a comfortable bed. A comfortable lead in my baseball games was good. My parents made a comfortable living. Comfort is good.


Yes, comfort is great... in the right places. Comfort is great in places where you don’t want (or need) to grow. Comfort is designed to make you not want to move. That comfy chair in your living room keeps you in it for hours because it feels so darn good - but you know it’s better for you if you get up and do something, right?

That comfy living you make at your job keeps you in that place because it’s easier to not “move” than it is to get up and try something new. 

Hey Moguls, Trevor Mauch here with this thought…

I’d argue comfort is also a destructive force. Comfort can drag entrepreneurs down. Comfort always comes at a cost.

When I started my companies in 2005-2007, I was anything but comfortable. I had bills I could barely pay. No job (because I chose to give…

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