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Inner Game

How to Grill a Property Like Bobby Flay

bobby flay house grillingHow many of us have a somewhat embarrassing number of real estate investing courses sitting on your shelves in our home or office? 

Have you tried a little of this and a little of that from each course, but still aren't feasting on tasty deals like you know you should be?

Well let me ask you…

Been following those real estate investing recipes exactly? 

Or have you been trying to make it up as you go along, piecing things together, and adjusting whatever you want because you think your market is different or you just don’t like the way the recipe reads?

Can I be blunt with you for a second? 

Stop screwing with proven real estate investing recipes!

In this article we are going to take a gingerly stroll inside the head of Joe McCall.

Joe's a very successful real estate investor - he does a lot of deals in multiple markets, makes great money by most people's standards, and even knows how to outsource most of it to virtual assistants. And you may remember…

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