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Business Development

Land Trust Essentials: Is It Honest To Use A Land Trust?

nopeHey Moguls, Mr. Land Trust Randy Hughes is here today with an awesome lesson about, well, you can probably guess… Land Trusts. He’s our #1 expert on this sometimes confusing topic, and we trust him to give us the info we need on a level that we can understand. And he sure does delivers.

If you missed his killer series, start with Part 1.

And he recently did a terrific lesson about seller financing and land trusts.

But, back to today… take it away, Randy…

From Mr. Land Trust, Randy Hughes

I have been using Land Trusts for over 35 years, but every now and then someone will challenge me as to the purpose and "honesty" in using a land trust to hold title to real estate investments.

So, let's…

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