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Investing Strategies

Short Sale Deals Part II: 3 Ways to Find Props

nopeAre you ready to get into short sales, but just aren’t sure how to connect with property owners and close the deal?

Hi, Moguls, Jason Lucchesi here, welcoming you to Part II of Short Sale Deals. In Part I we talked about the way short sales used to be done, why they changed and how they’re done now. If you missed it, make sure to check it out.

In Part I, we also talked about finding short sales on the MLS through a real estate agent. But then what?

Well, here in Part II we’re going to talk about how to contact these distressed property owners, plus we’ll cover a few tips and tricks to build a booming short sale business.

Let’s get to it…

1. Call Them Up

The first method I would recommend is a phone call. Do a skip trace with a site like Spokeo

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