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Inner Game

Mighty Gratitude and the Iron Law of the Universe

patrick & carrieSince moving to the beach, one of my goals each day is for my girlfriend, Carrie, and I to walk down to the beach… whether it’s morning, noon or night… to at least take a quick look and soak it all in.

It gives us a time to shut our minds off, breathe deep, and re-center ourselves on what’s truly important.

After a couple of months, we started “giving thanks” on our walk back to the house. We go back forth and say, “thank you, beach,” thank you, ocean,” “thank you, sand,” thank you, sun,” thank you, wind,” and so on… thanking anything and everything that comes to mind.

And although an attitude of gratitude is difficult at times, I have come to believe that it's an incredibly mighty force that can truly, completely change Your life if you allow it to.

Over at The Change Blog, Marelisa Fabrega says,

“Gratitude shifts your focus from what your life lacks to the abundance that is already present. Giving thanks makes people happier and more resilient,…

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