Have you ever felt waylaid by analysis paralysis?
Wikipedia calls it, “…over-analyzing (or over-thinking)…so that a decision or action is never taken, in effect paralyzing the outcome.”
Yup, sounds about right.
Said another way, it’s that nervous “I’m afraid I just don’t know quite enough yet to move forward” feeling swirling around your brain that keeps you endlessly obsessing, gathering more and more information, pondering the right actions to take and the right order to take them, but embarrassingly unable to pull the trigger.
If you're sheepishly raising your hands, rest assured you're not alone. It's actually one of the most common afflictions known to afflict real estate investors. Nearly all of us have found ourselves in the crushing grip of this dreaded condition at one point or another.
And whether it’s on a specific real estate deal, starting a new marketing campaign or even just getting out there and actually making your first offer on a real house – yes, analysis paralysis is a royal pain.
So today we’re aiming to bust that up for you...
The fact is, you’re never going to feel completely ready. But then, you probably already know that.
The real trick of it comes in learning how to locate and prune those limiting beliefs that lie at the festering core of this little poison fear apple of yours.
To help you do this, we rejoin our ongoing conversation with mindset maven DougO.
Have you caught our previous chat's with Doug?
Some really good stuff there. Highly recommended.
Now let’s tune back in as DougO reveals how to murder your analysis paralysis…
From Doug Ottersberg, Inner Game Advisor…
{Mogul Elite: Download a transcirpt and MP3 of this video in the Power Pack tools for this lesson}
Recognize you’re stuck in a spiral & take it to heart
Take a step. Just take the first step (on faith if you must) and the next step will be revealed
Get feedback from the first step, and you’re ready to take the next step
Fail forward...fast
Still feeling stuck? Then you may have to work on reprogramming yourself
Identify the limiting belief holding you back
Call it what it is – a lie you’re struggling with believing
Make a conscious decision to modify your belief
Start building success small step by small step, and you’ll keep chipping away at the old belief
Doug Ottersberg
is a lifelong entrepreneur. His depth of business and investment knowledge comes from hands-on experience owning a variety of businesses and investment real estate, along with a deep love of applied learning. In addition to assisting others in transforming their lives by training them to use the skills of persuasion and influence, rapid personal transformation and sub-conscious reprogramming during private one on one sessions, group teaching is also a major passion for Doug.