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Private Money On Demand

Congrats & Welcome to The PMBP Team!

Patrick Riddle

A Note Before You Dive In...

Okay, first off... Your Private Money On Demand (P.M.O.D.) course is delivered right here, inside RealEstateMogul.com. You can bookmark this page by clicking the "Bookmark This Lesson" link in the top right corner of this page if want to reference in the future.

As you know, great deals are everywhere around us right now in this market. However, only those of us who are able to get money are able to take advantage of this great buyers market. And, if you don't have the money yourself... the best source of available funds right now for real estate investors is through private money lenders.

While there are many different places to find private lenders (I've found about 17 myself)... I really believe that the public records is the single fastest and easiest to find active private lenders who are ready and willing to lend real estate investors money for deals in your local area.

There's no guessing with the public records whether they are interesting…

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