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Private Money On Demand

Prospect Letter #1 - Friendly Meeting

The sample letter below is designed so you’re not sending out a "general solicitation" to potential private lenders. 

As we all know, if you send out a marketing piece (a website included) that "solicits" a person that you don’t know, to be your private lender… the SEC looks at that as a general solicitation and look down on it heavily. 

So, if you have no prior relationship with a potential private lender… you don’t want to come out talking about your private lending program, asking them to be your private lender, sending a deal by them,  etc. 

Your first contacts with a person who you don’t have a prior relationship with (some attorneys  as a rough rule define a prior relationship as that you’ve had at least 3-5 contacts with them and/or have known them for a month or so… but check with your own attorney for their advice for your specific state) should be a contact that doesn’t address your private lending program at all.  

That first contact ideally is a contact just to "get to know them" or to send them a marketing piece that offers them a free educational report/video/etc. on a topic… such as "How To Use Your IRA To…

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