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Wholesaling 301

Finding Buyers First & The Power of Bandit Signs

Matchmaker, matchmaker make me a match… In this great training session, Preston Ely and one of his students will blow your mind: This student, who was a newbie investor, did 5 deals in one day in his first 3 months in REI. Yes, you read that right. How did he do it? Finding buyers first and then finding the deals. Oh, and a little thing called Bandit Signs. Why bandit signs – because they work. And, as you’ll hear, your role is basically all about you playing matchmaker – find buyers and match them with your found deals. Remember, don’t make this harder than it is.

Discover and Learn:

  • How to word your ads on Craigslist
  • The information to include on Bandit Signs
  • Why finding buyers and then finding the deals does work
  • How to respond when sellers or investors call in response to bandit signs
  • The details on an Option to Purchase Agreement
  • And even more goods…

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