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Wholesaling 301

Using Research Knowledge to Negotiate with the Seller

The dynamic duo… Preston Ely and Pete “The Ninja” are actually both in this awesome training session. So you know it’s gonna be great! This one’s about how to negotiate properly with sellers… and the way to do that is with a solid foundation of accurate research. How, you ask? Well, by asking specific seller questions, you’ll be able to gather data to input on your lead sheet, which will help you make educated decisions about the deal for a smoother negotiation. You’ll be able to put all the data you capture to good use, because as the guys suggest, you’ll also have already studied and become familiar with your neighborhood and established solid rapport with your motivated sellers – all of which is covered in this jam-packed session. They also touch on subject tos, short sales and lease options. Oh, and the guys even partake in a little role-playing fun to make sure their tips come across clearly.

Discover and Learn:

  • The info that should be captured on your Lead Sheet
  • The questions to ask to get the right info from your seller
  • Exactly what to say on your classified ads
  • The marketing that still works…

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