Remember that stellar movie Clash of the Titans and the helmet that makes Perseus invisible? Well if that is too geeky and old school, then think of Harry Potter’s cloak…
What’s my point? I want you to understand the magical powers of Franklin Cruz. Franklin’s tactics cloak his negotiating skills and the seller (without even realizing it) will give him their lowest possible price and sell him the property themselves.
Most of you are familiar with Franklin, but for those of you who aren’t, we’ve got him all sized-up for you…
Franklin Cruz: aka REI Drill Sergeant
Franklin has been in the game long enough to use this method to his advantage, which he has done numerous times.
After serving as a Sergeant in the U.S. Army in Iraq, Franklin came home to pursue his dream as a full-time real estate investor and started his REI business from scratch. He’s also an entrepreneur, specializing in property management…
Franklin Cruz
(aka Real Estate Drill Sergeant) is a real estate investor, army veteran, Father, husband and humanitarian. He's a full time real estate investor with a part time lifestyle. Driven by professionalism, integrity, tenacity and a relentless determination, Franklin has gone from the trenches of serving in the US Army to the top of the Real Estate Investing game. If anyone knows how relate to starting a business from scratch, itís Franklin. His challenging background and unique approachability give Mr. Cruz the uncanny skill to relate to everyone on some level, both personally and professionally.