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Inner Game

Keep Moving Forward

reach"You failed...

…and it was AWESOME!"

Now that's something you don't hear every day, right?

But you should.

My guess is that right about now you're scratching your head, reading these words with a puzzled look on your face, and wondering if you’re still half-asleep (or hungover?) on this Mindset Monday.

I was recently reminded of a valuable life lesson – a topic that is super important to me – one that can (and should) be applied to all our lives on both a personal and professional level.

Truth be told, this reminder has allowed my mind to be a little more focused…  A little more prepared to face whatever challenges come my way...

And (most importantly) I'm now more willing than ever to forgive myself for the mistakes I've made in the past.  And I'm more ready than ever to learn from those mistakes and grow from them – thanks to two…

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