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Inner Game

All You Need Is Drive and Desire

much to doI’ve been in the real estate investing business long enough to know that doubts and worries plague nearly every newbie who comes on the scene. Usually they’re strapped for cash (which means little to spend on marketing), as well as being very short on knowledge and experience.

It’s especially disturbing when they see other investors in their area spending large sums on marketing and closing deal after deal. The competition can be pretty scary.

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Hey Moguls, Steph Davis back with you again for this lesson in which I’m talking to the beginning investors in the group...

I want to say to you that none of what I just mentioned matters. The truth is, nearly all successful investors (who you see as successful in the business), did not start out that way. They came into the arena just like all of us — with little money and little knowledge... and probably apprehensive.

But what the successful do have is motivation, determination,…

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