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Inner Game

10 Time-Tested Principles of Success

successIt’s funny how us humans work...

New “personal development” programs come out every year... all saying they’re the new “secret” to success, happiness and riches in all aspects of life.

But, the funny thing is... the principles that truly contribute the most to your success (or failure) are time-tested principles that have been true for hundreds (maybe even thousands) of years.

Nothing new.

Trevor Mauch here, and you know, I heard a quote that perfectly relates to today’s lesson. It goes something like this...

“Most of the time we don’t need to learn anything new to be successful and happy,
but rather... be reminded of something we already know.”

I think that quote is so damn true. If your year has not been going like you hoped... or if you're crushing and know you can do better... now’s the perfect time to adopt some new (or better) mindsets and habits to carry you through.

Check this out…

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