Investing Strategies
Insider Tricks to Selling Your Rehabs Fast
Want to learn step-by-step how to find, fix, and flip nice houses for MON$TER paydays? Learn more here.
(Note: Want the best system for fixing and flipping houses in the world? Get our 17-Step Systemized Renovation Process, guaranteed To make rehabbing houses fast, fun, & easy.)
You know that phrase you always hear, “It’s the little things that count”? What if I told you when it comes to rehabbing, that there are some very inexpensive little things that count when it comes to selling your rehab fast? Would you want in?
Of course, you do… I did, who doesn’t??
So welcome to today’s lesson about the little things that count when it comes to rehabbing, taught by the extraordinary man, Franklin Cruz. Previously, Frank shared with us his 5 Steps to Selling Your Wholesale Deals Fast, and today he is going to let us in on the tricks that sell your rehabs fast.
If you missed Frank’s previous lesson and why we think he is such a cool person, let’s break it down with some Cruz/Cruise…
Franklin Cruz
(aka Real Estate Drill Sergeant) is a real estate investor, army veteran, Father, husband and humanitarian. He's a full time real estate investor with a part time lifestyle. Driven by professionalism, integrity, tenacity and a relentless determination, Franklin has gone from the trenches of serving in the US Army to the top of the Real Estate Investing game. If anyone knows how relate to starting a business from scratch, itís Franklin. His challenging background and unique approachability give Mr. Cruz the uncanny skill to relate to everyone on some level, both personally and professionally.
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