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Inner Game

Why 20% of Real Estate Investors Do 80% of the Deals

Hey Moguls, Christopher Seder here..

Did you know that 20% of real estate investors do 80% of the real estate deals in a given market? 

Why is this?

Is it because the 20% of real estate investors are part of a secret society whose sole mission is to hoard all of the great deals? It’s possible...

Maybe it's because they know the secret to finding deals no one else knows about and you can only have access to their secrets for a low, low price of only $997 (3 payments)? 

Well those, of course, aren’t true, but these questions got me thinking about what separates the winners from the losers. So I decided to not only look at myself compared to some of the most successful people I know, but also compare myself to the investors I meet who are not successful…  

You know those people who you’ve seen at your local REIA meetings for the past 3 years who have yet to do 1 real estate deal, or maybe have done 1 deal in the past 3 years.  Yea,…

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